Sunday, 31 May 2015

Return of the kestrel

31st May 15            mid afternoon               mid section

mostly cloudy,cool,after rain am,  9-11°c, 1006mb, WNW 12

A sad day for midland birders, Eric Phillips (EGP) passed away last night. A top midland & national birder and a very good friend. RIP.

An afternoon visit just incase the rain had forced any birds down, but no. A female kestrel hunted over the Barleyfield for 10 minutes before leaving to the SE. Plenty of young birds now being seen,

Mallard ♀+ 8-9 chk (prob WL family) N of Meadow View,   ♀+3 chk Wetlands,
Kestrel 1♀  hunting over Barleyfield, left to the SE hunting all the way,
Moorhen 1 Wetlands
Stock Dove 1 Wetlands Field
Swift 3+ over Barleyfield
Wren 6 singing mid section
Dunnock 2 singing Station Paddock
Robin 6(5 singing) mid section
Blackbird 7 singing mid section
Song Thrush 2 singing mid section
Blackcap 9(5 singing) mid section
Chiffchaff 4 singing mid section
Magpie 2-3 juv Meccano Br
Chaffinch 2 singing Station Paddock
Goldfinch 2 Hanging Grds
Bullfinch 1♂ Compton Field

Saturday, 30 May 2015

A surprise at the Wetland site

30th May 15             morning               mid section

mostly sunny, 9-13°c,  1013mb,  W 9mph,

I arrived at the old bridge on Meadow View and looked down stream to note 2 ad female mallard with a group of young juveniles, I counted 9 juv then 10 then 11 and then the creche split up, most of them disappearing into the vegetation and out of sight, leaving 1 female with 1 chick which swam towards me. Confused by my wowful count I set off to find  and count the larger group ( if its 9 its probably the Wetland family) but some how they had completely disappeared ( must have climbed up the bank and snuggled down in the thick undergrowth)?
A family party of blackcap found at the Hanging Grds ( my name for the area of mostly spreading Blackthor n south of  the old farm railway crossing) is my first this year. The garden warbler seems to be still in attendance at the top of Barleyfield, singing for Ian but not for me.( I spent 30 minutes today and 20 minutes on thursday but with no sign)
Completely out of the blue another mallard brood appeared at the Wetland site. No sign a female here since the earlier family left on tuesday, indeed I have only had 1 female here all spring.

Mallard 3 broods f+1 chk & f+ 9or10 chk N of Meadow View,  f+ 3 chk Wetlands,
Sparrowhawk probable very distant to the west of Barleyfield
Buzzard 2 1 over Barleyfield,  1 to the distant north,
Moorhen 3 broods Staffs & Wocs
Swift 10+ Barleyfield
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1♀ Barleyfield Annex
Grey Wagtail 1 Prefab weir briefly,disappeared into weir but couldn't be relocated,
Wren 11 singing mid section
Dunnock 4 singing mid section
Robin 7 singing mid section
Blackbird 7 singing mid section
Song Thrush 3 singing mid section
Whitethroat calls single call from lower BF,
Blackcap Family party Hanging Grds, + 4 singing mid section,
Chiffchaff 5 ( 3 singing) mid section
Long Tailed Tit 4+ (family ) Barleyfield Annex
Chaffinch 1 singing Station Paddock
Bullfinch 2 (1♂) Hanging Grds

thur 28th May 15           morning            mid section

mostly cloudy,   9°c,  1014mb,     W 12mph

The only bird of note today was a willow warbler by the Graiseley brook culvert. Probably brought in with the over night rain.

Mallard 1 br 9 ♀ + 9 chk ( WL family )  MV >> N,
Buzzard 1 flushed Wetlands
Moorhen 1 Wetland,  pr +  5 chk Prefabs, 1+2 chk Prefab Weir, 1+1 chk Meadow View,
Swallow 1 >> N over Barleyfield
Wren 9 singing mid section
Dunnock 4 singing mid section
Robin 5 singing mid section
Blackbird 5 singing mid section
Song Thrush 3 singing mid section
Blackcap 6 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 6 singing mid section
Willow Warbler 1 Graiseley Culvert
Jackdaw few Barleyfield
Chaffinch 5 singing mid section

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

But have they made the right move

26th May 15             morning                 mid section

mostly cloudy,  10-13°c,  1023mb,  NW 11-13mph,

The Wetland mallards as David noted earlier have moved to the canal but is it the right move. They may have more food available but surely they were more secure against predators with the extra cover available at the Wetland site.
The parakeet flew in an arch from north to south over the Barleyfield and was lost to view behind the trees at the top.

Grey Heron 1 Canal nr Prefab weir
Mallard pair + 9 chicks the family from Wetlands relocated to canal nr Prefab weir,
Buzzard 1 over Barleyfield
Moorhen pr + 2 chicks Canal nr Prefab weir
Ring Necked Parakeet 1 arching over Barleyfield  N to S lost behind trees at top,
Green Woodpecker calls Tettenhall Ridge
Wren 11 singing mid section
Dunnock 3 singing mid section
Robin 7 singing mid section
Blackbird 4 singing mid section
Song Thrush 2 singing mid section
Whitethroat calls Hanging Grds
Blackcap 4 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 6 singing mid section
Chaffinch 2 singing mid section
Bullfinch pair Graiseley Culvert

Mallards on the move

Tuesday, midday.

No signs of any mallards on wetland pool since lunchtime yesterday, but the female and all nine hyperactive ducklings seem to have relocated to the canal not far from Prefab Weir.

Did they go to get away from Geoff's hunting heron, or in search of fresher water that the currently stagnant pool? Did mother duck lead her brood to safety swimming down the underground passage - the culvert carrying the Graiseley Brook?

Monday, 25 May 2015

Another quiet day enlivened by our newest resident 

25th May 15               morning                 mid section

partly cloudy,  10-13°c,  1020mb,  WNW 8 - NW 10mph

Its that time of the year,singing bird no's down, species no's down,the garden warbler seems to have gone and no whitethroats seen or heard since thursday.But most species have been found in breeding mode, ie carrying nest material,carrying food for nest bound chick,nests or juveniles out and about being feed by parents,so all is probably well. On the plus side today the ring necked parakeet seen again and reported by a resident in Henwood Rd that it or sometimes both birds are visiting his garden  feeders almost everyday. The mallard family at the Wetlands are still complete with 9 chicks,having survived at least one grey heron hunting visit.

Grey Heron 2 1 nr Double Pennent,  1   nr the Tennis courts, Newbridge,
Mallard ♀ + 9 chicks Wetlands
Buzzard 2 1 over BF,   1 way N of BF,
Moorhen 1 Wetlands
Ring Necked Parakeet 1 flew from trees bordering canal twds Henwood Rd,
Swift 6+ from Barleyfield
Wren 10 singing mid section
Dunnock 5 singing mid section
Robin 6 singing mid section
Blackbird 6 singing mid section
Song Thrush 2 singing Barleyfield
Blackcap 7 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 6 singing mid section
Jackdaw 8 Barleyfield
Chaffinch 2 singing mid section

Friday, 22 May 2015

The Wetland mallard's have 9 chicks

22nd May 15      morning          mid section

Cloudy,mild , 11-16°c, 1025mb, SW 7-2mph

Much of a muchness today,the only note-worthy news is the Wetland mallard's were found to have 9 chicks. Most birds tend to lay one egg a day and as far as I know this includes ducks, I first found the female on a nest 21st April so she must have just started brooding  ( mallards start brooding when they have laid the last egg ) ,because if they incubate for 28 days on average ( do the maths ) the young should be out & about just about now,so that ok then. 
Don't all dash down with your loaf of bread though,if you must? take mealworms or something more nutritious from the pet shop. Have a good bank holiday weekend.

Mallard pr + 9 chk Wetlands
Buzzard 1 over Barleyfield
Swift 4+ over Barleyfield
Swallow 1 over Barleyfield
Wren 11 singing mid section
Dunnock 1 singing Hanging Grds
Robin 9 singing mid section
Blackbird 7 singing mid section
Song Thrush 1 singing Hanging Grds
Garden Warbler 1 singing Barleyfield Annex
Blackcap 9 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 10 singing mid section
Great Tit 2 singing mid section
Jackdaw few Barleyfield
Chaffinch 6 singing mid section

Thursday, 21 May 2015

All change in the sunshine

21st May 15             morning               mid section

sunny & warm,  11-15°c,  1025mb,  WSW 9 - W 11mph,

No sign of the whinchat, No sign of the grey wagtail and no sign of any whitethroats ( the whitethroats are probably still about,just playing hard to get) ( same goes for the wagtails). On the other hand the sun has encouraged songbirds to sing with blackcap songsters well up, chiffchaff and blackbird not far behind.

Mallard 2♂ Wetlands
Buzzard pair over Barleyfield
Swift 2 over Barleyfield
Wren 13 singing mid section
Dunnock 3 singing mid section
Robin 10 singing mid section
Blackbird 8 singing mid section
Song Thrush 1 singing Graisley Cnr
Garden Warbler 1 singing Barleyfield Annex 
Blackcap 13 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 11 singing mid section
Coal Tit 1 Meadow View
Chaffinch 5 singing mid section
Bullfinch calls Barleyfield Annex 

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

WHINCHAT on Chat Clump

20th May 15             morning                  mid section

blustery occ showers,  8-11°c,  1015mb,  WNW 12-15mph,

The morning started quietly with no sign of grey wagtails on a short shufty, Barleyfield dead, until I put my bins on the Chat Clump before I disappeared into the Wetlands, as usual. A small dumpy two-tone bird was sat there? it was either a whinchat or stonechat ( guess why it's called Chat Clump?). I moved to a better view point and after a while it showed again WHINCHAT a female. A species which used to turn up annually in small numbers until recently but has (along with other species) become quite scarce.

Mallard 1♂ 1♀ Wetlands
Buzzard 1 over Barleyfield
Moorhen 1 Wetlands
Swift 2 over Barleyfield
House Martin 2 over Barleyfield
Wren 8 singing mid section
Dunnock 5 singing mid section
Robin 3 singing mid section
Whinchat 1♀ Chat Clump
Blackbird 3 singing mid section
Song Thrush 2 singing mid section
Whitethroat 2 singing Barleyfield
Garden Warbler 1 singing Barleyfield Annex
Blackcap 5 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 4 singing mid section
Great Tit 1 singing Hanging Grds 
Jackdaw 10 Barleyfield
Chaffinch 4 singing mid section
Goldfinch 3 Shrike Bushes

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Wagtails fledged ( I hope )

19th May 15          mid morning            mid section

frequent showers,  7-11°c,  1001mb,  SW13-W 19mph

The grey wagtail nest is empty and the parents are excitedly collecting food but I couldn't find any youngsters anywhere even though I searched for nearly an hour. The brook is very overgrown for most of its course so its not surprising there hidden away.
                  I thought the garden warbler had gone,having not seen or heard it since last wednesday but it's singing well again today in the usual bushes and trees,suggesting its the same bird.
        Otherwise it was very quiet with not much song. The weather today is the obvious reason. 

Buzzard 1 over Compton Rough
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 calling Hanging Grds
House Martin 2 over Wetlands
Grey Wagtail pr excitingly collecting food hopefully to feed their fledged yng  Smestow Br,
Wren 8 singing mid section
Dunnock 4 singing mid section
Robin 9 singing mid section
Blackbird 8 singing mid section
Song Thrush 1 singing Hanging Grds 
Garden Warbler 1 singing Barleyfield Annex again,
Blackcap 4 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 7 singing mid section
Long Tailed Tit 1 Barleyfield Annex 
Chaffinch 4 singing mid section
Bullfinch 1♂ Barleyfield Annex 

Saturday, 16 May 2015

New life appearing

16th May 15              mid morning                    mid section

mostly sunny,  10-11°c,  1022mb,  NW 11-13mph

Mallard was the first to bring new avian life to the valley this year as usual, a brood of 11 chicks were found on 26th April being the first. Since then several mallard broods have been seen along the canal, about the same time long tail tits were noted taking food to a nest near the Graisley brook culvert and the grey wagtail was first found sitting on eggs. Many species have since been seen carrying food. The long tail tits at Graisley culvert seem to have fledged and were found near by on 8th May. Grey wagtails were first found feeding young on 7th May and if all goes well should fledge towards the end of this coming week, there filling the nest to over-flowing at the moment.

Buzzard 1 to the north Barleyfield
Moorhen 2 Wetlands
Swift 1 Newbridge
Hirundides 3-4 to the N Barleyfield
Grey Wagtail pr feed yng Smestow Bridge
Wren 13 singing mid section
Dunnock 3 singing mid section
Robin 14 singing mid section
Blackbird 9 singing mid section
Song Thrush 2 singing mid section
Whitethroat 2 singing Barleyfield
Blackcap 7 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 5 singing mid section
Long Tailed Tit pr + 4+ imm pr feeding 4+ imm  Barleyfield Annex,
Great Tit song mid section
Jay 1 Annex Barleyfield
Jackdaw 10 Barleyfield
Chaffinch 3 singing mid section
Goldfinch 3 Barleyfield
Bullfinch pair Annex Barleyfield

Friday, 15 May 2015

Another quiet day

15 May 15              mid morning              mid section

O/cast mostly,  10°c,  1022mb,    NE 3 - SW 8mph

The thrushes were more vocal today but as is to be expected there is less warblers singing as they have breeding duties to perform. No sign of the garden warbler this morning, but whitethroat  numbers are back to usual. 

Mallard 2 broods pr + 1 chk  Compton Lock,   pr + 3 chk  Newbridge,
Moorhen 1 Wetlands
Grey Wagtail pr feed yng ♀ feeding 4 yng in nest Smestow Br,  ♂ Wetlands flew twds nest site,
Wren 15 singing mid section
Dunnock 4 singing mid section
Robin 8 singing mid section
Blackbird 10 singing mid section
Song Thrush 4 singing mid section
Whitethroat 3 singing Barleyfield
Blackcap 8 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 7 singing mid section
Great Tit 5 singing mid section
Jackdaw 7 Barleyfield
Chaffinch 5 singing mid section
Greenfinch 1 Top Roses
Goldfinch 2 Barleyfield
Bullfinch pair Barleyfield Annex

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

A run of the mill day

13th May 15           mid morning                mid section

sunny & warm   11-12°c,  1015mb,   N 5-8 mph

Buzzard 1♂ hunting over Barleyfield,
Moorhen 1 Wetlands
Swift 8 over mid section
Grey Wagtail pr feed yng Smestow Bridge
Wren 11 singing mid section
Dunnock 5 singing mid section
Robin 10 singing mid section
Blackbird 7 singing mid section
Song Thrush 2 singing mid section
Whitethroat 1 singing Shrike Bushes, maybe same? Hanging Grds, ( Ian had one in the Paddocks )
Garden Warbler 1 singing Annex Barleyfield, ( Ian had 2 earlier )
Blackcap 10 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 7 singing mid section
Long Tailed Tit 2 family party Barleyfield
Great Tit 3 singing mid section
Chaffinch 3 singing mid section
Goldfinch 2 (1 singing) Wetlands
Bullfinch pair Annex Barleyfield

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Spring migration is almost over

12th May 15             early morning                  mid section

mostly cloudy, 8-12°c,  1015mb,  WSW 13-21mph,

The breeding season is now in full swing our birds are busy looking after eggs or young in the nest, what we have now we tend to keep with a few exceptions. Garden warbler is one, for the past few years a garden warbler has sung his heart out for 3-4 weeks, failed to find a mate and departed. If on the other hand we get 24 hrs non stop heavy rain as we did in 2007 at this time of year, we may have what birders call a "fall" as happened on 14 May that year when 24 wheatear, 17 whinchat and various other goodies took refuge in the Valley. The valley's biggest known fall .
              Back to today the ring neck parakeet was the only bird of note.

Sparrowhawk 1♂   flew W  over Compton Rough
Buzzard 1 over Valley
Moorhen 1 Wetlands
Ring Necked Parakeet 1 flew calling SE over Barleyfield, later same flew NW over Wetlands,
Swift 4 over Barleyfield
Grey Wagtail pair feeding 4 yng in nest, later  the ♂ Wetlands,
Wren 12 singing mid section
Dunnock 5 singing mid section
Robin 12 singing mid section
Blackbird 4 singing mid section
Song Thrush 1 singing Graisley Culvert
Mistle Thrush 1 singing Meadow View
Whitethroat 1 singing Hanging Grds 
Garden Warbler 1 singing Barleyfield Annex 
Blackcap 7 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 6 singing mid section
Long Tailed Tit pair Barleyfield Annex
Chaffinch 4 singing mid section
Greenfinch 1 singing Hanging Grds 
Bullfinch 1♂ Station Paddock

Monday, 11 May 2015

Grey Wagtail confusion 

11th May 15              morning               mid section

sunshine & light showers, 12-15°c,  1014mb,  S 11-SW 22mph

Spent most of morning with Ian trying to sort out some confusion with our grey wagtails. Over the last few weeks we have seen 2 different males and 2 different females, the breeding pair at Smestow Br both seem to be 1st year birds but we have also had a different female in this area which we suspect was passing through, and we are picking up a different male at the wetland site, indeed both males were present there today but not at the same time. The Smestow male flew off with a bill full of food towards the Smestow site and a male has departed in the past to the east towards Paget Rd?

Moorhen 1 Wetlands
Swift 2 over Wetlands
Swallow 1 over Wetlands
Grey Wagtail pair Smestow Bridge, poss 2 different ♂s Wetlands,
Wren song mid section
Dunnock song mid section
Robin song mid section
Blackbird 5 singing mid section
Song Thrush 2 singing mid section
Whitethroat 2 singing Barleyfield
Garden Warbler 1 singing Annex Barleyfield
Blackcap 7 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 7 singing mid section
Chaffinch 3 singing mid section

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Local hirundines UTB

10 May 15                    morning                        mid section

partly cloudy,  10-15°c,  1021mb   S 11-13mph

Ok the more astute of you will have picked up on the poetic licence. For those non birders out there,hirundines are the swallow and martin family, which doesn't strictly include the swifts.(but it's my post so I can). Also sand martin are very scarce here in the mid section and I haven't had one today but for the first time this year swift,swallow and house martin are (under the belt)

Grey Heron 1 flew SW over Barleyfield
Mallard 1♂ Wetlands
Buzzard 1 over Wetlands - Compton playing field
Moorhen 2 Wetlands
Stock Dove 8 Wetland Fields
Swift 1 south of Barleyfield
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 flew  NW  Wetlands area twds canal,
Swallow 1 over Wetlands
House Martin 30+ over Wetlands
Grey Wagtail pair Smestow Bridge
Wren 11 singing mid section
Dunnock 3 singing mid section
Robin 10 singing mid section
Blackbird 6 singing mid section
Song Thrush 1 singing Barleyfield
Mistle Thrush 2 Compton playing Field
Whitethroat 2 singing Barleyfield
Garden Warbler 1 singing Barleyfield Annex
Blackcap 10 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 10 singing mid section
Great Tit 3 singing mid section
Jackdaw 9 feeding Barleyfield
Chaffinch 2 singing mid section
Goldfinch 3 Barleyfield