Saturday, 2 February 2013

Friday 1st February 2013.

Newbridge Wood, by Staffs & Worcs Canal and Newbridge playingfield.
Calm, cold, clearing, 09.50 to 10.15.

A somewhat circuitous route to the paper shop finds just a few of the usual suspects in my local wood, but at least they're telling me the end of the winter is nigh.  Two Stock Dove call and flap fast away, returning to stand close together at the top of one of the tallest trees, a female Great Spotted Woodpecker drums near to them, the contact call of a Nuthatch comes from the other side of the canal, and then, umistakable in shape and unwelcome to the resident Crows, a female Sparrowhawk moves low over the trees in a brief and half-hearted territorial display, with exaggerated, wearisome wing-flaps as one of the Crow escorts her off its patch.  Told you . . . spring's almost here.

PS.  Repeated much of the walk this morning (Saturday) that I did with Kevin last Saturday out into South Staffs (cf 26th January blog ).  What a difference a week makes! Hardly anything about, but near Trescott, the bird we'd initially gone for, two Red-Legged Partridge flying from a field margin.  Don't think Kevin will be too put out though . . .      

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