Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Enhancement Project in Turners Field Plantation

Further to the recent complaint on the blog regarding lack of information, I just thought I would display one of the notices that were on show for weeks at Turners Field.

The notice is wonderfully produced and I just want to extract two paragraphs from it to illustrate just how lucky we are in the valley:

"With the help of The Wildlife Trust, funding has been secured from the Nature Improvement Area to carry out a woodland enhancement project in Turners Field Plantation"

"The planted woodlands in the reserve were designed to be thinned when the trees reach a certain age. This means that many of the thin and unhealthy trees will be removed to allow the other trees to grow larger and healthier. Following this work, seeds and plants will be added to the woodlands so that they will soon be filled with Bluebells and other woodland flowers"

I think once again the valley speaks for itself!!!

I do want to make a general appeal for co-operation on this blog. Anyone following my posts will see that I have quickly developed faith in the partnership between Wolverhampton City Council and The Woodland Trust. I have only been working with Deborah Davies at Leisure Services for three months and her efforts deserve respect.

In light of the massive amount of work that has been put in on this project I am therefore stating once again, that if anyone has anything negative to say about the council, The woodland Trust, Severn Trent Water or anybody else, can they PLEASE do it by email or as a comment to a posting so that it can be screened first.

I say this purely because it seems that people have been criticized BEFORE facts have been established AND THIS IS GROSSLY UNFAIR!!!

On a positive note Deborah Davies has again been good on her word and I have been invited to an Advisory Group Meeting on 23rd April.

I will provide a separate posting regarding this.

Thank you

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