Monday, 1 April 2013

Spring VisMig

In recent years I have spent several autumn mornings stood on Castlecroft Bridge on the Staffs & Worcs Canal. At several coastal and inland locations across Britain and Europe, birders are monitoring visible migration - I happen to do so in Smestow Valley. Further details at

Birds fly across or are funnelled through the valley, reaching maximum numbers during the first hour or so after dawn. The migration urge is strong and birds move in most weathers, though not in persistent rain, whilst fog certainly tests one's knowledge of calls!

Some VisMigs are quiet, but on other occasions it is very rewarding, wishing the last Swallows safe passage to southern Africa, listening and watching for the first Fieldfares and Redwings to arrive or standing in awe and trying desparately to count wave after wave of Wood Pigeons each in their hundreds.

The extra special days are far less regular, but they do make up for the quiet sessions and are just reward for the time spent - more than 51 hours over 35 days in 2011. Highlights include juvenile Marsh Harrier last year that was almost certainly the same bird seen flying through Lutley Wedge some 30 minutes earlier, ringtail Hen Harrier in 2011, occasional Crossbills (once a flock of 14 birds) and frequent Bramblings.

Today, I did my first ever spring VisMig, which was long overdue. It was a good start, for as soon as I reached the bridge, two Brambling flew southeastwards, calling. Totals of other species were as follows:

Chaffinch        12 SE & 1 N
Fieldfare         1 W
Redwing         4 N
Meadow Pipit 15 N
Pied Wagtail   7 SW & 3 NE
Wood Pigeon  31 SW & 46 NE
Stock Dove     5 W
Starling           13 SW

Also noted were a single Raven flying southwards, singing Skylark and Yellowhammer, a female Kestrel and single Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers.

Counts were not as high as in autumn, but whether that is typical or down to the current weather, time will tell.

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