Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Barleyfield Trimmings and Quite Vis-mig

Wednesday 18/9/13 Cool, drizzle with brief interlude between 07:00 and 07:45 allowing short vis-mig from top of Barleyfield. Light NW.

NW winds rarely produced good vis-migs last September, because of the valleys linear position running NE to SW and today proved that once again:

2 Cormorant South 
4 Meadow Pipit circled field and then SW
7 Starling SW
8 Greenfinch SW

Also 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers and 1 Green Woodpecker

Just a note to all users of the Barleyfield: The contractor will be returning soon to pick up the grass cuttings. Thank you to Wolverhampton CC Ranger and Leisure Services for providing such a rapid response today, regarding this issue.

This method of leaving the cuttings for a short while allows the seeds of the meadow flowers to disperse more effectively.

As regards the new areas of set aside, you can feel already, just how much of a difference this new regime will make to the insect and mammal populations, whilst also helping late flowering plant species. Cinnabar Moths, may well complete there life cycle here now which will add to evening walks.We may well get a Wintering Kestrel back, and the umbellifer stands may attract migrant or Wintering Stonechat.

Thank you to all those that were involved in the planning and authorisation of this initiative, which will enhance the biodiversity at this site, by adding micro-habitats and buffer zones for wildlife.

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